Processing DHCR rent stabilization forms for NYC can be a time-consuming and inefficient process that can bog down a property manager’s day-to-day responsibilities. Fortunately, Remote Landlord Systems has streamlined the process.
The NY Rent Stabilization module provides ful
l DHCR support. It automatically calculates the maximum allowed rent increases and generates the RTP-8 lease renewal form and NY riders. Preferential rent, MCI and Rent Reduction Orders all propagate to the appropriate forms, and the DHCR Module provides annual electronic filing as per DHCR guidelines. The system is regularly updated to keep current with DHCR regulations, and is automatically activated based on the property zip code.

Remote Landlord Systems is a fully-DHCR compliant software solution that can help property managers remediate complicated form submissions and allow property managers the freedom to focus on increased profitability and tenant management.