Tech Support That’s Easy

Some software companies make it really difficult to locate available avenues for technical support leaving customers to even have to peruse search engines for customer support numbers, FAQ’s, and more just to get answers to simple questions. Moreover, most of the software industry outsources their customer support to non-English speaking countries so this makes relaying information that much more difficult to pull off.

Fortunately, Remote Landlord Systems makes it really simple for customers to get in touch for any sort of inquiries whether it be sales, technical, or otherwise. Our support options are built into the platform and includes easy access to contact numbers for US-based support, FAQ’s broken down by the different Remote Landlord modules, and even instant messaging so that you can get your important inquiries answered in a timely manner.

Remote Landlord Systems also offers a variety of support options for on-boarding new customers with expertise in bringing customers over from legacy platforms, offering training of the new system, and helping keep up-to-date with any upgrades to the software’s system updates and any additional offerings that may come about.

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