Remote Landlord: Powering Property Management Automation

If you’re looking for ways to free up some extra time in your day, automation by way of software is a great way to streamline redundant tasks and menial operations that clutter up your schedule. Here are just a few of the possibilities in which Remote Landlord can help in clearing out your day with just a few short procedures:
Automate Tasks:
Setup your system to post recurring charges and late fees,initiate service requests, and process payments with little to no data entry.
Automatic Late Notices:
Send emails, text messages, and even letters to automatically remind tenants when they are late on payments. Notices of late payments can be saved in Tenant Snapshot and can be utilized for potential legal proceedings at a later date in conjunction with saved images so no more dealing with file storage headaches.
Schedule Reports For Owners/Investors:
Reports like P&L, Rent Roll, and Balance Sheets can be generated automatically and have them be made as part of a weekly or monthly occurrence so as to keep everybody informed as to any and all operating expenses, profits, and more. Reports have drill down capabilities so you can always see where the numbers are coming from.

Request a demo to see how we can help today!

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